Environment and Social Psychology

Composing Worlds: Exploring the Intersections of Humanities, Well-being and Health in a New Era

Submission deadline: 2024-05-31
Special Issue Editors

Special Issue Information

Dear Colleagues,

This special issue “Composing worlds: exploring the Intersections of Humanities, Well-being and Health in a new era” aims to open a discussion on the valuable insights into the complex dynamics between individuals, societies, health and the environment. From a transdisciplinary perspective, this special issue aims to advance our understanding of how social and environmental factors interact and influence human behaviour, attitudes, health and well-being. We encourage researchers and practitioners, from all fields of science and practice, to contribute to this special issue and collectively deepen our knowledge in this critical area of study with original research articles, review papers, and theoretical perspectives that draw upon the valuable insights of past and contemporary research.


Potential Topics for Contributions:

·       Environmental Attitudes and Behaviour: Exploring the Role of Social Influences

·       Environmental Justice and Social Psychology

·       Climate Change Communication

·       Individual and Collective Action for Sustainable Development

·       The Role of Identity and Social Norms in Environmental Decision-Making

·       Psychological Impacts of Environmental Degradation and Climate Change

·       Environmental Education and Behaviour Change

·       Social Movements and Environmental Activism: A Sociological and Psychological Perspective

·       Biophilia

·       Urban nature

·       Sustainable and regenerative urban planning

·       Environmental psychology

·       Ethics and environment

·       Health and environmental narratives

·       Environmental Humanities

Humanities, Well-being and Health in the Anthropocene

Dr. Diogo Guedes Vidal, Prof. Marina Lencastre and Prof. Rui Estrada

Guest Editors


Composing worlds; Intersections; Humanities; Well-being; Health; New era; Transdisciplinary perspective; Social and environmental factors; Plural Knowledge; Local and traditional communities; Biophilia; Anthropocene; Climate change

Published Paper

Biophilia in pieces: Critical approach of a general concept

Diogo Guedes Vidal;Marina Prieto Afonso Lencastre;Hélder Silva Lopes;Maria José Curado;